Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Health Bill Counseling Provision

All these people who are freaked out about the so-called end of life provision in the proposed health bill. Wake up!! This merely proposes paying for the opportunity to get counseling about end of life issues. It does NOT require to you do it. It is NOT a "death to the grandma" provision. Why, would anyone not want this available to them? The cycle of life ends with death. Prepare for it. But, if your head is in the sand--so be it. Don't take advantage of the counseling provision. No one will force you to do so under the proposed bill. And all the idiots who are claiming that it is meant to euthanize the elderly. Shame on you. As for what to do--it's time to fight back. Stop the scare tactics. Hopefully, those of you who agree with me will email Harry Reid, U.S. Senate majority leader and tell him to have the democrats censure their colleagues in the Senate who are spreading these lies. Also, spread the word. And don't forget to educate others as to this outrageous lie.